Yellow Yellow, dirty fellow
This used to be a prank we used to play when we were kids. One of the kids would ask an unsuspecting kid to say 'Yellow Yellow' and when the latter said that, the former would reply 'You're a dirty fellow, sitting on a buffalo'. See how that rhymes!!!
That hardly seems to be the case in sports though. Right now, yellow is on top; literally. I mean the team wearing yellow jerseys are proving to be winners. Take cricket, for instance. The current Limited Overs International champions Australia wear yellow. The Winter Olympics ice-hockey champions Sweden wear yellow. The Superbowl champions (American football) Pittsburgh Steelers wear predominantly yellow (some would argue its gold & black but heck, gold is a yellow metal & while we are on yellow why should we even bother about black!!!) . Even Alonso's team Renault in Formula 1 Grand Prix have a conspicuous yellow streak on them. Now the father of them all; (in keeping with the 'Father's day' spirit here in the US) the football (soccer for the Americans) world champions Brazil wear a yellow jersey.
So my prediction for the football worldcup: The team wearing yellow will win (not counting Sweden, Australia, Ukraine & Ecuador). My heart wants England to win but they don't have yellow unless Beckham & co. decide to dye their hair yellow. Yikes!!!
YEah.. but I want Argentina to win! Did u see the class of their game against the Serbs! Its spelled pure class man! And frankly I felt the Brazilians have gone a bit obase and lost some class 'n charisma to their action! The English sucked in their game .. Germans were ok, and the itaians as unpredictable as ususal
I couldn't care less about who wins FIFA world cup, but I indeed agree with you regarding YELLOW the WINNER so far so now....SGB
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